Lucia Geppi

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LUCIA GEPPI born in Florence in 1965 and began her preparation at the age of 8 years at the dance center of Florence directed by Cristina Bozzolini and Lilia Bertelli, here she studied with Eugene Poliakov, Barbara Baer, Lilia Bertelli and Cristina Bozzolini.
At the age of 17 she joined Micha Van Hoecke’s L’Ensemble, where she participated as a dancer in the company’s productions in Italy and abroad.
With L’Ensemble she also participates in numerous television broadcasts with the whole company, but also with solos created especially for her.
From 1998 to 2004 she worked as Maître de Ballet and Assistant Choreographer in the company Aterballetto, under the direction of Mauro Bigonzetti. In the creative phases she has the opportunity to work closely with numerous choreographers such as Mauro Bigonzetti (for all his creations), Michele Abbondanza and Antonella Bertoni (Figli d’Adamo), Cristian Spuck (Morphin
Games), Jiri Kilian (Heart’s Labyrinth), Itzik Galili (Chameleon), William Forsyte (Steptext).
In 1999 she was called as Maître de Ballet guest at the Arena di Verona where she returned in 2000 as a jury member at the audition for the ballet corps and soloists.
In 2002 she collaborated as Maître de Ballet and Master repetiteur in the company Balletto di Toscana, continuing to follow the choreography of Mauro Bigonzetti, Fabrizio Monteverde, Michele Pogliani, Eugenio Scigliano.
In 2002 she was called to the Teatro Massimo of Palermo as Assistant to Mauro Bigonzetti, to take a step two from the ballet Furia Corporis by the same choreographer.
Since 2005 she has dedicated herself to the activity of Maître de Ballet and Master repetiteur free lance, where she begins collaborations with: Teatro Comunale di Firenze, Teatro S. Carlo di Napoli, Arena di Verona, Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Aterballetto, Gran Theatre de Genève, Teatro alla Scala di Milano, Laipzic Oper, Stuttgart Ballet, Les Ballets de Montecarlo, Swedish Opéra Stockholm, Béjart Ballet, Basel Ballet, Gauthier Dance, Hannover Ballet, Zurich
Ballet, Teatro Opera di Roma, NDT1, NDT2.